The All Saints’ curriculum is an expression of our mission, where students learn in a joyful and spiritual environment and prepare for lives of learning and service.
All Saints partners with families as their children embark on a journey of discovery. Our academic program is shaped by an appreciation of how much young minds can understand and achieve. Learning begins with the relationship between skilled and experienced educators and their students. Teachers strive to build upon students' curiosity while instilling a spirit of cooperation, respect for others and their ideas, and satisfaction in personal intellectual growth.
Students focus on the learning process rather than the outcome while they engage in a wide range of core and specialty subjects allowing them to explore their abilities and interests. In addition to the core subjects, students attend library, music, art, technology, and Spanish classes weekly. In our upper grade program, students are introduced to Latin, art history, and world religions as well. We believe that children can best acquire a rich body of knowledge and the skills needed for future learning through a developmentally appropriate curriculum that builds upon itself year after year.
We nurture childhood joy and help students discover the very best version of themselves and others while they grow and learn.
Sara Brown
Assistant Head of School